FaZe Swagg
FaZe Swagg has a net worth of $800,000. Based on Streamer Facts, this is basing on trustworthy sources such as Streamer Facts. FaZe Swagg, who's true name was Kris Lamberson, was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Arizona Lutheran Academy is where the school he went to. Though he's a professional gamer, Lamberson initially pursued a basketball career. Lamberson graduated from high school and was part of the basketball team for the varsity team. Lamberson averaged 12.8 point, 3.9 rebounds and 3.8 assists per contest. Lamberson played a key role in guiding his school to the state championship. Lamberson was awarded a scholarship to the basketball team after an excellent high school effort. Lamberson took a course at Arizona Christian University, where the school offered him a degree as a Business Administration student. While he earned an athletic studentship, he only take part in one game with the team. He only scored two points in the win against Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The brief stint was due to a game-ending injury that saw Lamberson be struck by a right shoulder labrum tear.
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